Rocket-Powered Learning: Design your Homeschool like Elon Musk Designs his Rockets

Contrary to popular opinion, Elon Musk didn’t rise to success because of his technical know-how or work ethic (though those certainly helped). It was due to his ability to see things differently, to question every assumption, and to reimagine possibilities in ways that defined conventional wisdom. His innovative thinking has reshaped industries, and you can apply the same principles to revolutionize your homeschooling approach. 

Whenever Elon approaches a new project, he uses a mindset first coined by Aristotle called “first principles thinking.” According to Musk, “[With first principles] you boil things down to the most fundamental truths…and then reason up from there.” In other words, it means to start by looking at what you KNOW to be true, shaking off rote and routine. 

The good news is, as homeschool parents, we’ve all done this already! We’ve all taken the assumption that traditional school is necessary for a good education, and for one reason or another have decided that this assumption just isn’t true for our families. We’ve rethought our kids’ educations from the ground up, and what we ended up with was different than many people think is possible… that’s first principles thinking!

first principles thinking

Here are three easy, practical steps for continuing to reimagine your homeschool in the same way Elon Musk reimagined transportation, space exploration, renewable energy, and neural technology.

Step 1: Identify Major Assumptions

Begin by questioning assumptions about your child’s education. Write down any beliefs you may have, whether they pertain to learning styles, technology use, or academic capabilities. Challenge the status quo to pave the way for a fresh perspective on education.

I’ve gone through this process for rethinking how I teach my kids to code, and although these are specific to my family and set of values, I’ve included my notes as an example!

Example Assumptions:

  • Coding must be taught entirely on the computer.
  • Only some children possess an “engineering” mindset.
  • Logical thinkers can’t embrace religious beliefs.

Step 2: Discover Fundamental Truths

Dig deeper into each assumption. Research and evaluate whether these assumptions hold true. Envision your child’s educational journey, focusing on the essential skills and values you want them to gain. These are the first principles that will guide your reimagined approach to homeschooling.

Example Fundamental Truths for Coding:

  • Technology has both benefits and risks; minimal screen time is ideal.
  • It’s better to understand big-picture problem-solving and have good design instinct than have a nitty-gritty understanding of individual coding languages.
  • Real-world experiences and interactions with professionals enrich learning.
  • God invented logic, so of course logic and a belief in him coexist! I want my kids to be prepared for a work environment where many people don’t believe this.

Step 3: Build a Solution

With a clearer understanding of your educational principles, create a flexible plan that aligns with your goals. Recognize that your approach may evolve, and that’s okay. The key is to be intentional about fostering an educational environment that reflects your values.

Example Solutions for Coding:

  • Teach coding through big-picture problem-solving.
  • Integrate various learning styles into coding lessons.
  • Emphasize real-world, tangible applications of coding principles.
  • Minimize screen use during formative years.
  • Teach coding with a biblical perspective.


No matter how diligently I strive to break free from assumptions, they persistently find their way back into my mindset and infiltrate our homeschooling journey. The continuous need to revisit and challenge these assumptions has become a vital process in anchoring our school experience to my core values and beliefs. As I’ve engaged in this reflective journey—whether on a macro-scale, reevaluating our entire school structure, or on a micro-scale, pondering the nuances of teaching specific subjects like coding—I’ve sensed a growing coherence in our homeschooling approach, driven by a meticulously crafted big-picture vision.

This process equips me with the tools to thoughtfully assess any potential curriculum additions, providing peace of mind when discarding what isn’t effective. It affords me the flexibility to deviate from sections in our math book or extend our exploration of music, seizing opportunities like a local concert. By dissecting assumptions, thinking through the fundamental truths that underpin our school, and devising actionable strategies to realize goals, we have a reliable compass to navigate our homeschooling journey.

For a look at what I believe are the first principles behind a great homeschool coding education, check out our free guide, ABCs to APIs: a Homeschoolers Handbook for Teaching your Kids to Code!