Nature Study Benefits: Patterns and Problem-solving for Kids

Nature Studies are all the rage right now. Between the benefits of lower stress, connection to nature, and creative learning, what’s not to love?

I personally love the Charlotte Mason approach to learning as well, but maybe not for the common reasons you might be thinking.

I want to explore how nature studies can help kids explore patterns and problem-solving–foundational skills for higher level skills like engineering and coding.

Let’s explore!

Why patterns?

Patterns are more than just ABABABABAB over and over again. Patterns are the natural rhythm and logic that God designed the world with. When we notice a pattern in nature, we are subconsciously picking up on the mind of God. (Redeeming Science, Chapter 22) When exposed to nature, children do this subconsciously too. Whether it’s a line of marching ants or ripples in a pond, children’s minds tend toward noticing the small details we adults tend to miss. We adults, however, can help turn these little musings into developed skills that will transfer into adulthood.

How does that connect to problem-solving?

When children are comfortable and confident in observing patterns, their brains start to automatically notice the breaks. Breaks in pattern. Breaks in continuity. Breaks in logic. This is the foundation for all problem-solving: noticing the problem. Once the problem has been spotted, children can start working toward a solution.

How to make sure your child can problem solve

There are many ways to check your child’s problem-solving skills. Here are just a few easy ideas:

  1. Puzzles
  2. Strategy board games
  3. Real-world Play
  4. Coding Activities (Check some out here!)
  5. STEAM activities (try some of mine!)

…and so much more

So now we’re down to the million dollar question: How do we get kids doing Nature Studies that result in problem-solving?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you 😉

1. Honeybee Art Journal

Have you ever noticed how amazing honeybees are? Get your kids curious about the jaw-dropping world of bees, and get them learning about patterns in the process! Your kids will learn all about bees, replicate the patterns they make, and create their own art projects inspired by nature.

2. Patterns in the Park Nature Journal

As an art teacher and nature enthusiast, I LOVE this product my Salt and Lightspeed. It encourages kids to get outside and explore nature. But it also teaches them how to find patterns in nature and subtly how to problem-solve.


3. The Nature Art Journal

Ready for more nature? Get your kids outside for art class with my nature art journal. With 7 art elements taught through 7 plant topics, your kids will be exploring nature through art and journaling. 

My Final Thoughts

Nature teaches us to notice patterns, and patterns teach us to problem-solve. Get your kids outside and help them grow this skill today!

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed these thoughts and ideas, join me over at ARTventurous Animals for more nature art inspiration!

-Abbey Allen, ARTventurous Animals

This post is written by Abbey Allen, from ARTventurous Animals. Find more of her work at or follow her on instagram at @artventurousanimals!